Haddonfield Public Library 60 N Haddon Ave Haddonfield, NJ 08033 United States
Note: All required fields are indicated with an asterisk.
Reservations are only available for users who have completed the Glowforge certification. Appointments will be approved by staff before being confirmed.
By submitting this request you confirm you are using Proofgrade directly from Glowforge or the library. You also confirm that you have thoroughly researched the proper setting for my material. I understand that failing to do so may cause harm to the machine, including fire.
If you are not using Proofgrade directly from Glowforge or the library, please indicate what type of material you are using in the purpose of meeting field. Please include where you purchased it, what it is made of, its thickness, and other properties. Please also indicate the settings you are using. For example, speed and power or default material.